Arming and financing Azov, Tradition and Order , and Karpatska Sich may well be one of the tough decisions the war forces, but disarming them must surely be a priority when the war is over. As we have seen in Syria, nothing radicalises a civilian population more than dispossession, bombing and massive attacks. As in Syria, there is certainly a risk that temporarily empowering extremist sectors for their military utility, even indirectly, could have serious unintended consequences.
And in Syria, too, there was at first a strong taboo mobile phone number list among Western analysts about talking about the rise of extremist militias who would then cannibalize the rebel cause, for fear of validating Assad's propaganda that all rebels mobile phone number list were terrorists: this initial reluctance Finally,
it did not work in favor of the rebels. It is not playing into Putin's game to frankly observe that there are extremist elements among those mobile phone number list fighting him in Ukraine: indeed, only by carefully monitoring – and perhaps restricting – their activities today can we ensure that they will not deepen Ukraine's suffering in the years to come. come. For a long time, liberal Western commentators complained that the Ukrainian state turned mobile phone number list a blind eye to far-right groups; It's no use if those same commentators are now doing the same thing.