Chairman Musharan said that FINA welcomes every athlete, and the establishment of the "open category" will mean that anyone can have the opportunity to participate in top-level events, "I want all athletes to have a sense of belonging and be able to participate in this process. generate ideas". AP21245640921972 Photo Credit: AP / Dazhi Image International Swimming Federation President Husain Al-Musallam 71% approval rating, described as "the first step towards full integration" for trans athletes The new policy,
with 71 percent support among 152 international swimming federations, was described as a "first step towards full integration" for trans athletes; before old picture restoration formulating the rules, international swimming federations listened to medical, legal and the report of the Transgender Issues Task Force composed of leading experts in the sports world. Experts mainly expressed the following opinions in the group meeting: Physiologist and leading expert in the field of human function Michael .
Dr Michael Joyner : "Testosterone, a physiological determinant of male function in puberty and explaining sex differences in function, is thought to be clearly evident by age 12...Even if testosterone is suppressed, its The boost to physical performance is still there.” Activist, researcher and lawyer Adrian . Dr Adrian Jjuuko : "This policy underscores that no athlete will be excluded from FINA events (an open category scheme) should not be an increase in the discrimination and marginalisation of these groups. category of degree of transformation.”